Sunday, May 10, 2015

I Enjoy Eating Alone; or Otherwise

I do enjoy eating alone. It's really not a big deal. I know a lot of people who couldn't bear the thought of going to the office pantry by themselves and eating in a corner with their order of viand and rice. Not me. I do relish my moment with my food. Eating is a personal thing also, you know? But I also don't mind sharing my food moment with friends. So, here's yet another post from recent visits I made with friends or just by me, hence the title of the post.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

San Juan & Its Array Of Pleasure On The Palate

Japanese-style pizza

Staging a food trip in San Juan requires a little bit of mental and physical conditioning on my part, for the reason that I don't own a car and that I usually just commute or travel by foot. So I rarely set foot to San Juan. And the instances that I'm here are on occasions when I'm really raring to try out a restaurant or a food place that I've stumbled upon on the Net.