Wednesday, September 24, 2014

From Healthy To Outrageously Sinful

vegan panniza at Edgy Veggy

Always had this conception that anything healthy, like vegan vegetarian kind of healthy, would also equate to an awfully tasteless meal. But how could I be sure of that if I haven't even tried eating an all-out vegetarian meal just to prove my case. I have watched vegan style cooking on the 3ABN Network before. I especially like if it's the Micheff Sisters turn to cook since they're always fun to watch, interjecting jokes here and there while whipping up vegan meals in their kitchen studio. And they were seem "genuine" expressing how good the food that they prepared sans any animal or milk products. Would I also elicit the same kind of reaction if I bite into a pizza with a cheese imitation topping made of tahini, firm tofu and soy?

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Two Popular Affordable Eats In Eastwood

deep fried bacon wrapped burger

There's two food joints in Eastwood City that are constantly being frequented by people working in the area, mostly by call center agents like me. And the food joints that I'm referring to are Zark's Burgers and Kanto Freestyle Breakfast. The popularity of the two are based on affordability while also taking into consideration the amount of food offered. Making sure that you're really getting what you paid for. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Quick Food Tour At Paseo de Magallanes

Katipunan craft beer at The Bottle Shop

Very rarely I am in this part of Makati so whenever I'm in the area of Paseo de Magallanes, I try as much as I can to enjoy it in full blast. Food wise, that is.