Friday, January 24, 2014

Remembering Good Meals Eaten In A Not Too Distant Past

juicy lucy burger at 2nd's

Good meals should always be remembered with reverence, I'd say. Don't worry, I'll try to make this list a short as possible and will try to cut the needless babble so as not to bore you, I hope. =)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A Date With Nanay On Her Birthday

cupcakes and eclairs at Shine

My Nanay is not as adventurous to food and eating as I am. Whenever we're out and about, she would often ask me to take her to a fast food chain and she would be more than happy twirling her plastic fork on a spaghetti with lots of hotdogs and cheese or to munch on a crispy fried chicken dipped in gravy. She would already consider it high end eating if I take her to a Pizza Hut restaurant. Oftentimes I broach to her the idea of trying out a different restaurant but she always views it with abject horror. It's like pulling her out of her comfort zone. You could just imagine my surprise (and uncontrolled glee) when she agrees that I take her to Shine Bakery & Cafe on her birthday.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

An Affordable Meat Lovers' Haven

porterhouse at Beeffalo

A pop-up message on FB chat from my friend Louie Lyn asking me if I ever heard of Beeffalo, a steak and rib house in Marikina. I've never heard of Beeffalo but the mere mention that they offer steaks and ribs and it's situated in Marikina, a treasure trove of a place for some of the best eating places one could find in the metro were already enough to get my attention. We immediately set out a plan on how to meet. Dubious I am of how I read Google Maps when I tried to search for Beeffalo's location, I inquired via their Facebook page on how to get there. I was just so happy when the page's moderator promptly replied to my inquiry, giving specific landmarks for us not to get lost.